Friday, April 30, 2010

Electirc Guitars

Ever since i can remember i have been fascinated by guitars. Particularly electric guitars. The first guitar that i remember going "wow that looks cool" was the Gibson Explorer. The very first time i actually picked up a guitar was a acoustic guitar that my sister bought. Soon after that i realized that i needed to buy one my self.  I eventually settled on the the fender starcaster pictured left. but a little tragedy struck, i broke whammy bar (the bridge is still intact).  I just only wish i actually stuck to playing. Who knows one day ill find some lessons to expand my knowlage and begin playing again. As of now, the guitar  sits shiny on its stand in my living room

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eddie the head

One of my biggest inspirations would have to be Eddie (the head). Who is this guy you might ask? He is the mascot for the legendary heavy metal band Iron Maiden. Many other bands have mascots like Megadeth's Vic Rattlehead (my second favorite) and Motorheads Snaggletooth. Ever since 2004 ish i became fascinated with there 1982 hit The Number of the Beast. I had no idea who sang it or the name of the song  for that matter. A couple of years later i discovered the artwork and mascot for the band (and who sang the song). The rest is history. Eddie has been drawn by many artists. Derek Riggs was the first one to draw the character. Eddie is almost always depicted as a zombie in there album covers with theme to the album name. Since he was first drawn he has been depicted as a soldier, a WWII fighter pilot, a pharaoh, a cyborg, and many other things. Pictured is The bands most recent album The Final Frontier set to release summer 2o1o.

(the trooper!)

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Future of Video Games?

Well if you've been playing video games recently its likely it was on a Wii. What the hell is so great about the wii? Well it has motion controls, oh and that sorry excuse for exercising wii fit. I personally never liked the wii. But nursing homes, and those "in the loop" moms did so it exploded into this huge cash cow. (without cnn and the today show i would bet the wii would not be a big as it is) I like the idea that the whole family can play Mario kart, but is motion the control the future? Im sure it is with $ony's new remote and M$'s project natal its only a matter of time. I just don't see motion control appealing to the "hardcore gamers" anytime soon. Do you really want to play Halo or Grand theft Auto with motion controls? It would not be as fun.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Telnet Star Wars

One of the most nerdy "Easter eggs" on the internet would have to be this. Its one of my favorite movies, Star Wars Ep IV in ASCII. Of course there is no sound but the animation is amazing for just being text.  First if your on a mac go to utilites and open up terminal, windows users go to run and type CMD and push enter. now type "telnet" 

I have actully never sat down long enough to watch it,(only long enough to get these three screen shots) but if your at work or school and need to pass the time than this would certainly do it for you!


Friday, April 2, 2010

The End of Springfield

After 20 something years on Television i think its the right time to end the color full cast of Springfield to an end. One of the things that has been great on the show is the cast. The Simpsons isn't just a show about the family but a show about the town and all the crazy characters that live in the town. The show takes me back to simpler time to one of my Earlyist tv memories. I remember watching the episode "The city of New york vs. Homer Simpson."  and of course the end when they drive back home with a boot on the tire. I also remember being in elementary school and waiting every day to watch the show at 5:00 on channel 46.  The Simpsons have had a good run on tv, but i think that recently it has become bland and out dated. The Simpsons have done everything, im sure that the writers are questioning some of the episodes, with "have we done that?"  Eventually people will get bored with the show and fox will have no choice but to cancel.  See how many characters you can name!