Friday, April 16, 2010

The Future of Video Games?

Well if you've been playing video games recently its likely it was on a Wii. What the hell is so great about the wii? Well it has motion controls, oh and that sorry excuse for exercising wii fit. I personally never liked the wii. But nursing homes, and those "in the loop" moms did so it exploded into this huge cash cow. (without cnn and the today show i would bet the wii would not be a big as it is) I like the idea that the whole family can play Mario kart, but is motion the control the future? Im sure it is with $ony's new remote and M$'s project natal its only a matter of time. I just don't see motion control appealing to the "hardcore gamers" anytime soon. Do you really want to play Halo or Grand theft Auto with motion controls? It would not be as fun.

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