Thursday, December 3, 2009

Would you steal a Car?

Im sure that you have downloaded something off the internet. Also im sure that it was illegal like music (mp3's) or a movie like the newest release. I really dont see the big deal. Becuse if you are a musician you should be in the industry for the music (but money helps pay the bills) More than likely if you downloaded some mp3's and you liked it, you are probally going to go to a concert or buy some merchindise like t-shirts or keychins. Also if you are like me you like to have a actually physical copy of the music which makes the illegal download pretty much legal. now with movies thats not a could be diffrent  becuse it usally takes thosands of dollars to make and they need to make a profit. but of course it is up to you do make this decision for your self. (Oh and if i could download a car i would, im sure you would to)

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