Thursday, January 21, 2010

My College Essay

Here is my collage essay from September 29th 2009. I decided to take the Scenic route and write a "smart ass" essay because all the ones i have have read in class seem to just suck up to who ever is reading it. ENJOY!

English IV
September 29th 2009
Quote on Collage

"On the day you cease to change, you cease to live". This quote by Anthony De Mello most likely has a different meaning than what he intended it to mean. He probably ment to say that the day you cease to learn something new you are basically forcing yourself to stop living. I could ramble on and on about how this quote would apply to my life and how it would all work out for me in my future education in your school.

I could even go as far as saying a cheesy metaphor (I'm sure you read a lot of these) like how life is like a box of chocolates and you never know what you are going to get, or how we are all like a caterpillar in our cocoons growing over the years and finally breaking out of the shell to become a butterfly, and explain that i am somehow a insect that would succeed in your marvelous school. The quote cold also translate to the day you stop being yourself you basically are not living to your full potential. How this quote applies to a essay for collage i have no idea, but between all the partying and the sporadic studying someone who hears this quote will finally get what this quote actually means because i'm not Anthony De Mello, and i have no idea who this guy is.
 Well? i think its amazing. but long story short i got a big ol' fat F.


  1. Dude i love this. Way to express yourself!
    I think that that's what writing should be about. The writer expressing how they truly feel. not how they should. Writing should be honest. With yourself and the reader. I dig it. unfortunately that most likely won't give us the grade we "deserve" in this crap we call our school system.

  2. LoL I enjoyed reading this. Unfortunately your english teacher didn't feel the same way. I think you should have at least got a B for writing exactly what you thought and being honest.

  3. Oh and before I forget, I love the picture you are using for this account! It's kind of funny.
