Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What happen to quality Video Game Consoles?

If you are a gamer, like me than you know about video game consoles and how they seem to fail. I am currently on my second xbox 360 because the first one got the rrod (red ring of death) but still worked for a couple of more months before the disc drive stoped working. I am also on my second ps2 because of the same problem. One of the first consoles to experience hard ware failure was the original playstation. from what i understand the drive assembly was made out of plastic and it seemed to actually warp. sony soon fixed this. Since then consoles failure has been on the rise. Years ago when all the rage was for the atari 2600 and the Nintendo NES video game consoles seem to be fairly indestructible along with the games. You actually got to enjoy the video console for years insted of two years. Its is really going to be sad 50 years from know when kids say "what the hell is a xbox" and you cant show them one because most well be broken by then, but i bet there will be some nintendos and segas still kickin'.

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