Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Apple & i

What? Apples been using the i suffix in almost every single name of there products. If i recall back in 1997 Steve Jobs was brought back to Apple to help turn around the once dominent force in the computing industry. Apple started off there vision of the future of computers back in 1983 with the first commercially available GUI. (*and no apple did not invent the GUI, it was PARC) the Apple Lisa at a 2nd morgage $10,000. The world of computers changed forever. Fast forward 10 years and a it was a totally different story. There was the Quadras, Performas, each with about 8 different configurations. and also the now famous powerbook line multiple configurations. Back to the suffix i. Since the first imac g3 realeased in 1998 Apple started there way back up to the super stars that they used to be in 1984 and actually began to turn a profit. Why? was it the name imac? or the uber awesome clear case? Well what ever it was apple started to name there products with i. The next was the imac to go or the ibook. then the ipod, and iphone and now the ipad (which is a stupid excuse for a tablet and also a horrible name for a product). Of course now there portables do not have i or power but mac as in macbook and macbook pro.  but what ever the case may be maybe its time to drop the whole ever product needs a i at the begining, and start off the next 10 years with some more creative names


  1. ha ha ha didn't you know ipad prevents leaking? uber absorbant but i guess people fear change too much to buy a product with a different name.
