Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday

Well as if you give a damn you probally didnt noticed that five min turns 1 Nov 30. What have I learned over the past 365 days? Nothing really besides anyone willing to waste 5 min on this "blog" is cool with me. Here is to year 2 and another 5 min gone. (PS it wouldnt hurt to click on some ads)

-sent from my phone
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Friday, April 30, 2010

Electirc Guitars

Ever since i can remember i have been fascinated by guitars. Particularly electric guitars. The first guitar that i remember going "wow that looks cool" was the Gibson Explorer. The very first time i actually picked up a guitar was a acoustic guitar that my sister bought. Soon after that i realized that i needed to buy one my self.  I eventually settled on the the fender starcaster pictured left. but a little tragedy struck, i broke whammy bar (the bridge is still intact).  I just only wish i actually stuck to playing. Who knows one day ill find some lessons to expand my knowlage and begin playing again. As of now, the guitar  sits shiny on its stand in my living room

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eddie the head

One of my biggest inspirations would have to be Eddie (the head). Who is this guy you might ask? He is the mascot for the legendary heavy metal band Iron Maiden. Many other bands have mascots like Megadeth's Vic Rattlehead (my second favorite) and Motorheads Snaggletooth. Ever since 2004 ish i became fascinated with there 1982 hit The Number of the Beast. I had no idea who sang it or the name of the song  for that matter. A couple of years later i discovered the artwork and mascot for the band (and who sang the song). The rest is history. Eddie has been drawn by many artists. Derek Riggs was the first one to draw the character. Eddie is almost always depicted as a zombie in there album covers with theme to the album name. Since he was first drawn he has been depicted as a soldier, a WWII fighter pilot, a pharaoh, a cyborg, and many other things. Pictured is The bands most recent album The Final Frontier set to release summer 2o1o.

(the trooper!)

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Future of Video Games?

Well if you've been playing video games recently its likely it was on a Wii. What the hell is so great about the wii? Well it has motion controls, oh and that sorry excuse for exercising wii fit. I personally never liked the wii. But nursing homes, and those "in the loop" moms did so it exploded into this huge cash cow. (without cnn and the today show i would bet the wii would not be a big as it is) I like the idea that the whole family can play Mario kart, but is motion the control the future? Im sure it is with $ony's new remote and M$'s project natal its only a matter of time. I just don't see motion control appealing to the "hardcore gamers" anytime soon. Do you really want to play Halo or Grand theft Auto with motion controls? It would not be as fun.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Telnet Star Wars

One of the most nerdy "Easter eggs" on the internet would have to be this. Its one of my favorite movies, Star Wars Ep IV in ASCII. Of course there is no sound but the animation is amazing for just being text.  First if your on a mac go to utilites and open up terminal, windows users go to run and type CMD and push enter. now type "telnet" 

I have actully never sat down long enough to watch it,(only long enough to get these three screen shots) but if your at work or school and need to pass the time than this would certainly do it for you!


Friday, April 2, 2010

The End of Springfield

After 20 something years on Television i think its the right time to end the color full cast of Springfield to an end. One of the things that has been great on the show is the cast. The Simpsons isn't just a show about the family but a show about the town and all the crazy characters that live in the town. The show takes me back to simpler time to one of my Earlyist tv memories. I remember watching the episode "The city of New york vs. Homer Simpson."  and of course the end when they drive back home with a boot on the tire. I also remember being in elementary school and waiting every day to watch the show at 5:00 on channel 46.  The Simpsons have had a good run on tv, but i think that recently it has become bland and out dated. The Simpsons have done everything, im sure that the writers are questioning some of the episodes, with "have we done that?"  Eventually people will get bored with the show and fox will have no choice but to cancel.  See how many characters you can name!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Is the Internet Boring?

 ^ myself fixing a computer^

Yes it actually is. Well, actually i think it is.  The reason i think it is because i dont do the whole myspace facebook thing. Why? because i think its a waste of time.  besides social networking what else is there to do? Download music? Download Software? Download Movies, maybe youtube? (youtube got lame with all the ads)When i open up firefox the first thing i do is read my email, and that's about it, i think that's what the internet has come to just plain bordem.  I think the internet could be more interesting if it was more categorized, (there are to many sites out there that do the same thing) Maybe some sites could disappear?  But who knows. The internet would probably not even exist without all the drama myspace and facebook bring to peoples boring lives.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Xbox Live

Well its almost that time when my xbox live subscription runs out. I was recently thinking that i should wait a while before i renew it. Why? because i have spent way to much time playing Modern Warfare and Halo online and haven't really got much done. Any way i think Live is great you get to play games with some really cool people who you may never talk to again. I also like live because of the quality of the service. Many people complain about having to pay to play, but it is totally worth it. The Wii and PlayStation online services are free but lack quality. Almost every time a new blockbuster game gets released the networks for the ps3 goes down. Who knows what ill do, ill make that decision 18 days from now. Well that was a couple of min you wont get back.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Windows VS. Mac

Yeah this post was likely to come up, being that computers and every thing there is to do with them is my passion. Anyway today  i heard that Microsoft stole windows from Apple. The first thing i said was what!? Windows is not stolen, like any product there needs to be competition. Back in the mid 80's after the first actually GUI to be available to the masses, many company's followed suit with there own version of the new point and click interface. Of course every  company had one including Microsoft, Amiga, and Atari. But that just pissed me off that every one thinks that Microsoft is some sort of software stealing mega millionaire. Anyway enough ranting, now to the facts. Macs are great for video editing, graphic design and even some casual gaming. Windows on the other hand are great for all these tasks *as long as you have high performance machine. And Windows is the best for hardcore pc gamers. Ultimately the decision is up to you. Macs are great because the os uses very little hardware but cost a lot more. Windows is great because you can build a well rounded machine for under the price off $800. The lesson here is  don't buy a Mac because everyone else "cool" owns one. Learn whats best for your needs and is in your price range! The irony is i typed this on a Mac because my pc was virus scanning.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Boring Towns

Well here in Artesia simple things become the talk of the town and today there was a sonic boom. Around 13:00 there was i guess a fighter jet that was flying then broke the sound barrier and scared every one. i know i jump up a couple of inches. Anyway my question is, Is Artesia this boring that a sonic boom becomes the highlight of our day? well it must a boring town becuse i just blogged about it...

(a jet, an a airplane flaying high)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Non-Evolution of the Playstation Controller

Well as you can see from the photo, sony needs some new designs. the Dual Shock Boomerang was interesting but was never released. It would be weird to use though. but i guess we will never find out. There has been some interesting controllers from the past like the famous M shape n64 controller. the only real difference to the newer dual shock 3 is the ps button much like the guide button on the xbox 360. and of course the analog joysticks

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Culture Month

So its another February, and it is of course black history month. I recently read in the local news paper about a man who wanted a white history month and that got me thinking that Febuary should be changed to celebrate all races and how far in society we have come. Sure there is still racism, but society is much better than what it was when our country was founded. Why should there be only a black history month?   I find it Ironic.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The price of technology

So you don't want to pay that $150 for a new ipod? Well if you think about it now its worth every penny. just take a look at this. Its a $130 64Mb mp3 player from compaq circa 2001. I decided to make a smart playlist in itunes to see how much of my collection this could actually hold and i selected the options of  the songs must be 128kbs, and in the range of 4-5 minutes.  and the result. 15 songs, at 62 Mb. Of course you can more than likely double the songs to 30 in kbs was 64.  Anyway  the wonderful thing about technology is that now a 8GB 5th gen ipod nano  is about the same price of this and holds about 1000 songs more.  So next time your hesitent about buy the new laptop or mp3 player just remember "if  patient in about 6 months to a year there will be something better"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Apple & i

What? Apples been using the i suffix in almost every single name of there products. If i recall back in 1997 Steve Jobs was brought back to Apple to help turn around the once dominent force in the computing industry. Apple started off there vision of the future of computers back in 1983 with the first commercially available GUI. (*and no apple did not invent the GUI, it was PARC) the Apple Lisa at a 2nd morgage $10,000. The world of computers changed forever. Fast forward 10 years and a it was a totally different story. There was the Quadras, Performas, each with about 8 different configurations. and also the now famous powerbook line multiple configurations. Back to the suffix i. Since the first imac g3 realeased in 1998 Apple started there way back up to the super stars that they used to be in 1984 and actually began to turn a profit. Why? was it the name imac? or the uber awesome clear case? Well what ever it was apple started to name there products with i. The next was the imac to go or the ibook. then the ipod, and iphone and now the ipad (which is a stupid excuse for a tablet and also a horrible name for a product). Of course now there portables do not have i or power but mac as in macbook and macbook pro.  but what ever the case may be maybe its time to drop the whole ever product needs a i at the begining, and start off the next 10 years with some more creative names

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What happen to quality Video Game Consoles?

If you are a gamer, like me than you know about video game consoles and how they seem to fail. I am currently on my second xbox 360 because the first one got the rrod (red ring of death) but still worked for a couple of more months before the disc drive stoped working. I am also on my second ps2 because of the same problem. One of the first consoles to experience hard ware failure was the original playstation. from what i understand the drive assembly was made out of plastic and it seemed to actually warp. sony soon fixed this. Since then consoles failure has been on the rise. Years ago when all the rage was for the atari 2600 and the Nintendo NES video game consoles seem to be fairly indestructible along with the games. You actually got to enjoy the video console for years insted of two years. Its is really going to be sad 50 years from know when kids say "what the hell is a xbox" and you cant show them one because most well be broken by then, but i bet there will be some nintendos and segas still kickin'.